Website Goals
This is my first post for my website. Ever since I was a kid, I wanted a website. Why? I am not sure, but I definitely thought it would be cool. Back then, most online communication was done through forums and personal websites like those hosted on angelfire and I even borrowed a book from the library about how to make a website. The allure of people visiting my website (purpose still undefined) and making a visitor counter made of flames rapidly rise was apparently very strong. Unfortunately, learning to change the color of a website is relatively dull so I never ended up getting a domain name. I think this desire remained, however, so when a coworker made his own my interest was renewed.
My goals for this website are:
- To showcase my work.
- To have a permanent place on the internet where people can find out more information about me.
- To make useful tools and write useful tutorials for people wanting to learn something new.
- To do something new and fun and interesting.